Citizens Learn How to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Safe in a Crisis.

When a crisis happens, do you know what to do to before first responders arrive? HNCT provides crucial tips on how to protect yourself in a crisis.

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Do You Know What to do if You Get Caught in the Middle of a Deadly Crisis?

Terrorism dangers are NOT going away. You must learn how to protect yourself in the event of a deadly crisis. Attacks are happening in ALL of our communities around the globe. Don't get caught without your personal safety plan!

Are you prepared for what to do in the event of a terrorist attack or deadly crisis??

With the terrorism forecast looking dark and gloomy, we MUST protect ourselves from these looming dangers that can happen in a moments notice.

HNCT's "How to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Safe in a Crisis" reveals vital life saving tips on surviving a crisis at any location before first responders arrive.

Protect yourself TODAY!

This is a beginners level online training course with no prerequisites and is designed to reach the average Citizen, Corporations, and Organizations to better understand terrorism in our communities, as well as actions to take in protecting yourself and loved ones in a deadly crisis.

Course Overview:

The this 3-hour online training course is provided through video presentation, analysis, quizzes and a final test. Most Lectures have a corresponding “manual” of the information presented in the video format for ease of learning.

  • You are provided with an overview of dangerous terrorism related activity as it unfolds in our neighborhoods daily.
  • The Instructor takes you through the process and actions related to mental preparation, mindset and resiliency to survive in a dangerous situation.
  • The proactive preparation and reaction to deadly events occurring in different types of spaces and events is showcased.
  • This session presents a guide to developing a safer everyday life by increasing your knowledge of terrorism activity, as well as presenting ways for you to prepare and react safely in the midst of a deadly event.

What will you learn?

  • Participants will be armed with knowledge that provides the basics to better protect your community and personal safety.
  • You will be able to come up with an action plan to keep them and their loved ones safe in the event of a crisis.
  • Participants will get simple, but crucial tips on what to do in the event they are caught in the middle of a terror attack or crisis.
  • You will also learn that EDUCATION and CONFIDENCE are the keys to increasing your knowledge of threats and enhancing your personal safety.
  • Participants will be updated on the current terrorism threats and trends playing out in our communities leading to you having more awareness in your community regarding terrorism activity.

Preview a Lecture from the course.

Surviving a Crisis

Just to recap, enrolling in "How to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Safe in a Crisis" gives you unlimited access to help you with how to keep you and those around you safe during an attack or crisis.

This gives you the confidence to finally stop struggling with the fear of terrorism or how to react in the event of an attack or crisis.

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
When does the course start and finish?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Does HNCT offer corporate rates for training?
HNCT does offer law enforcement and corporate rates on ALL training platforms. Please contact [email protected] for further details and pricing.
What other types of training does HNCT offer?
HNCT offers In-house Training, Webinars and E-courses to individuals Corporations, Organizations and Law Enforcement.